Irlam Endowed Primary School

PSHEC encompasses all areas designed to promote children’s personal, social, health and economic development. It gives children the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to stay healthy and safe, develop worthwhile relationships, respect differences, develop independence and responsibility, make the most of their own abilities and those of others. It is very closely linked with S.M.S.C., and encompasses our work within Citizenship, British Values, Emotional friendly schools and Rights Respecting Schools.


Please find our school policies as links below.  This will show you our philosophy on learning and our planning methods.

 PSHEC Policy 2020.docDownload
 Relationships and Sex Education policy 2020.docDownload
 PSHEC Curriculum Overview from Nursery to Year 6.docxDownload
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Planning in Nursery to 6:

In EYFS, we use the following areas of Development Matters to provide us with our learning objectives for PSHEC; Personal, Social and Emotional development, Physical development and Understanding the World. From Year 1 we follow the PSHE Association Programme Builders.

We follow the PSHE Association Programme Builders from Year 1 onwards. This is not a scheme but is used to give an overview of learning in each class. It provides suggested learning objectives and quality resources for each module.   The Programme of Study sets out learning opportunities for each key stage, in three core themes: Health and Wellbeing (green), Relationships (pink), and Living in the Wider World (blue). Each year group broadly follows the Overview (see below).



Relationships education became compulsory for Primary schools in September 2020; this Programme Builder covers all of the statutory requirements for each phase, within a comprehensive PSHE education programme.

We use the Medway Primary PSHE Education scheme for our Relationships and Sex Education, accredited by the PSHE Association. Lessons here involve naming body parts in Year 1, Puberty in Year 4 and How babies are made in Year 6.


Other aspects of PSHEC at school:


No Outsiders

We hope every member of the school community, as well as every visitor through our doors, feels welcome and able to be themselves without fear of discrimination. To promote this ethos we use ‘No Outsiders’ lesson plans, from Nursery to Year 6. This uses picture books as a starting point to enable discussions about some of the protected characteristics. (Age, gender, race, religion, belief, marital status, transgender identity or sexual orientation.) An overview of the books we currently use can be found below.


Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA)


We are really proud of achieving our silver award and look forward to continuing our Rights Respecting journey over the next few months and years. Rights Respecting has had a positive influence on our school. It is consistent with our desire to raise aspirations and broaden children’s horizons. It helps to reinforce, but also go way beyond, the idea of ‘British Values’. Knowing their rights has helped our pupils to feel more valued and included and it has had a positive impact on their wellbeing. We now look forward to continuing this journey as we aim for gold status.


Emotionally Friendly Schools (EFS)

Emotionally Friendly Schools is a flexible whole-setting approach to improving children and young people’s emotional health and well-being. An emotionally friendly school is able to effectively identify and respond to a broad range of emotional needs of children and young people, raising their well-being to enable them to succeed and thrive.