Early Help is about receiving the right help at the earliest possible stage. An Early Help Assessment can empower families to achieve change. It can also prevent family members from having to repeat information to different professionals by recording this in a single document which, with consent, can be shared.
Different practitioners working with the family can be requested to contribute to an assessment. Having an action plan helps to clarify who will be doing what to address the changes wanted.
There are seven areas to be explored as part of an Early Help Assessment: Health, Education, Behaviour and Routines, Family and Community, Finances, Housing and Safety.
An Early Help Assessment is a form is filled in alongside a family to identify the family’s strengths and areas of need. This assessment helps practitioners to identify what a family would like to change and develop an action plan.
For more information about Early Help, Salford Family Partnership has produced an animation; click here to access.
Salford's Thrive Model
Useful Parenting Resources
Being a Parent - useful tools, links and advice for parents on a range of different topics.
Early Help Assessment - information about what an Early Help Assessment is and the template to submit a referral.
Family Hubs - links and information about the family hub offer available across Salford to support families.
Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings - information about TAF meetings and how these can support families.
Early Help Services - links to different Early Help services available to families across Salford.
0-19 Service (Health Visiting and School Nurses) - information about the 0-19 health service available to children, young people and families.