Irlam Endowed Primary School

Parent Teacher Association

We have several parents and teachers you can approach if you want any information about the PTA or have any suggestions to make about events we can run or projects we can fund. We welcome ideas and suggestions from anyone associated with the school and everyone is welcome to attend events and meetings.

Parent Teacher Association

Irlam Endowed have a very committed and active Parent Teacher's Association.  We are a registered charity and as such have a constitution and a committee, made up of a chairman, secretary, treasurer and members.  These positions are elected annually.  Anyone who has a child in school is automatically a member of the PTA you can be as involved in the Association as you wish.

The constitution of the PTA is to advance the education of the pupils in the school. In particular by developing effective relationships between staff, parents and others associated with the school, by engaging in activities or providing facilities and equipment, which supports the school and the pupils.

We organise events such as the infant fun nights, junior discos, fairs, plant sales and sponsored bounce.  We meet every half term to discuss and organise these events. Meetings are very informal and take place in the staff room, usually after school.  The children of those attending the meetings are looked after in after school clubs.

We believe that by continuing to run events that involve children, teachers and parents, and that raise money to use for the benefit of the school, we are upholding our constitution.

Like any charitable organisation we are reliant on volunteers.  These can be fully committed like committee members, or one-off helpers – all are needed.  It is essential that the PTA recruit new committee members as well as helpers in order to keep new ideas and enthusiasm and ensure the ongoing stability of the PTA.  We welcome any new members and are always happy to see new faces at both meetings and events. Why not have a look at the events calender or our new project Eco-Allies and see how you can get involved.