
Welcome to our webpage. The Governing Body of Irlam Endowed is made up of a variety of volunteers who represent different sectors of our school and local community. The governors will regularly update this webpage with their latest news.


The current governing body are as follows :

Governor: Ben Lynch Governor: Andrew Sargeant 
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - Ongoing Term of Office: 14/10/24 - 13/10/28
Role: Headteacher Governor Role: Chair of Governors & LA Governor 
Responsibility: Headteacher Responsibility: 


Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee &

School Effectiveness Committee 


Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee &

School Effectiveness Committee 

Governance Role Elsewhere: Bowker Vale Primary School Governance Role Elsewhere: Ellenbrook Primary School, Prestolee Academy Trust
Governor: Jessica Wilcock Governor: Emma Illsley
Term of Office: 19/03/21 - 18/03/25 Term of Office: 07/12/21 - 06/12/25
Role: Parent Governor Role: Co-Opted Governor
Responsibility: Safeguarding Governor Responsibility: Maths Governor

Committee: School Effectiveness Committee 

Committee: Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee 

Governance Role Elsewhere: None Governance Role Elsewhere: None
Governor: John Stephens Governor: Rev. Rob Jackson
Term of Office: 26/03/24 - 25/03/28 Term of Office: 08/03/23 - 07/03/27
Role: Foundation Governor Role: Foundation Governor
Responsibility: School Development Plan  Responsibility: Attendance & Pay Committee 

Committee: School Effectiveness Committee

Committee: School Effectiveness Committee (Chair) 

Governance Role Elsewhere: CEO Bright Futures Educational Trust  Governance Role Elsewhere: St Mary's C of E School
Governor: Chris Hansford    Governor: Vacancy 
Term of Office: 15/01/24 - 14/01/28 Term of Office: 
Role: Parent Governor Role: Co-opted Governor 
Responsibility: Inclusion (including SEND) Responsibility:  TBC

Committee: Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee

Committee: TBC

Governance Role Elsewhere: None Governance Role Elsewhere: 
  Governor: Vacancy    Governor: Vacancy 
Term of Office:  Term of Office: 
Role: Co-Opted Governor Role: Staff Governor

Responsibility: TBC

Responsibility: TBC

Committee: Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee 

Committee: School Effectiveness Committee

Governance Role Elsewhere: None Governance Role Elsewhere: None

Governors meet several times over the course of the school year, and the Governing Board has the following core strategic functions:


Establishing the strategic direction by:

  • Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school
  • Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets
  • Meeting statutory duties

Ensuring accountability by:

  • Appointing the Headteacher
  • Monitoring the educational performance of the school and progress towards agreed targets
  • Performance managing the lead headteacher (where delegated)
  • Engaging with stakeholders
  • Contributing to school self-evaluation

Overseeing financial performance by:

  • Setting the budget
  • Monitoring spending against the budget
  • Ensuring money is well spent and value for money is obtained
  • Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed


How governors have been supporting school

Autumn term 2024: 

  • Appointment of a new Chair of Governors (Andrew Sargeant) was made in October 2024. 
  • Safeguarding Governor visited school to take part in the Section 175/157 annual audit. 
  • Attendance Governor visited school to discuss the changes to attendance and new national guidelines for all schools.
  • Chair of Governors attended the begining of a training session to speak to staff about becoming a staff governor and what this would entail.  

Summer term 2024:

  • Governors attended the School Effectiveness Sub-Committee, Finance and Subcommittee and Full Governing Board meeting. 
  • Governors conducted the Headteacher's interim performance management. 
  • Governors agreed the substantive leadership structure in effect from September 2024. 
  • Recruitment of the substantive Assistant Headteachers took place with two governors, the Headteacher and an external Headteacher. 

Spring term 2024:

  • Governors attended the School Effectiveness Sub-Committee, Finance and Subcommittee and Full Governing Board meeting. 
  • Governors conducted a Staff Wellbeing Survey with all staff members. 
  • Headteacher fedback to governors the outcomes of a recent parent/carer survey; a joint response was shared with the school community. 
  • A new Foundation Governor, Dr John Stephens, was appointed to the governing board. 
  • The new parent governor started to attend governors' meetings. 

Autumn term 2023:

  • Governors interviewed for the Interim Assistant Headteachers starting from January 2024. 
  • Governors attended safeguarding training to develop their awareness of the changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023. 
  • A governor supported staff with coaching opportunities to develop their professional development. 
  • Governors attended the School Effectiveness Sub-Committee, Finance and Subcommittee and Full Governing Board meeting. 
  • Parent governor election sent out to the school community to elect a parent governor. 
  • Governors attended a Governors Development Session ran by Melanie Larkin (Governors Services Manager) to develop the boards strategic approach to school management. 

Summer term 2023:

  • Governors attended a twilight INSET session led by B Lynch to contribute to the new school values.
  • Governors received initial results from a staff wellbeing survey; lines of enquiry were identified and further staff voice activities will be planned for Autumn term 2023.
  • Chair and Vice Chair were involved in appointing a maternity cover position on the school’s Senior Leadership Team.
  • Governors attended various out-of-school activities, such as the Sports Persons’ evening, Summer Fair and EYFS cluster meeting.
  • Full Governing Body and both subcommittees met with B Lynch (new Headteacher) – this included sharing the School Development Plan, approving the school budget and discussing next steps in the school’s development under the new Headteacher.