Cared for Children

Children who are cared for often require additional support and attention in order to improve their life experiences. Irlam Ednowed endeavours to provide positive experiences and offer stability, safety and individual care and attention for all our children. With this in mind, we aim to: 

  • Encourage pupils to reach their potential and to make good progress in relation to their academic, social and emotional development.
  • Ensure that pupils enjoy high quality teaching and a curriculum which meets their needs and the requirements of legislation.
  • Plan support for CfC realistically and use the school’s resources efficiently to ensure the school meets their needs.
  • Promote a positive culture in all aspects of school life.
  • Help pupils develop their cultural, moral and social understanding.


Cared for Children (CfC) are defined as:

  • Children or young people who are the subject of a Care Order or Interim Care Order under the Children Act 1989.
  • Children who are placed in foster care, children’s residential homes, with relatives or friends, in semi-independent or supported independent accommodation.
  • Children subject to a Care or Interim Care Order whilst placed with a parent, where the LA has parental responsibility.
  • Children who are not subject to an order, but are accommodated by the LA under an agreement with their parents.


Previously Cared for Children - (PCfC) are defined as:

  • Children who are no longer looked after by an LA in England and Wales because they have either been adopted or are the subject of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order.
  • Children who were adopted outside England and Wales from ‘state care’ (care that is provided by a public authority, religious organisation, or other organisation whose main purpose is to benefit society).


Designated Teacher

Irlam Endowed will ensure that each CfC child will be allocated a designated teacher, who will be given the time, training and facilities to succeed in their duties. They will be responsible for

  • Building relationships with health, education and social care partners and other partners so that they and the Virtual School Head (VSH) understand the support available to CfC and PCfC.
  • Promoting the educational achievement of CfC and PCfC at the school; this includes those that left care through adoption, special guardianship or child arrangement orders or were adopted from state care outside England and Wales.
  • Acting as the main contact for social services and the DfE
  • Promoting a culture of high expectations and aspirations.
  • Ensuring CfC are involved in setting their own targets
  • Advising staff on teaching strategies for CfC.
  • Leading on how the child’s Personal Education Plan (PEP) is developed and used in school to ensure the child’s progress towards targets is monitored.
  • Liaising with the SENDCo to ensure all pupil needs are met.
  • Being vigilant in observing any potential safeguarding concerns that could arise surrounding CfC and PCfC due to their increased vulnerability to harm, and reporting these to the DSL as soon as they arise.
  • Working with the Virtual Schools Headteacher (VSH) to discuss how funding can be used to support the child’s progress and meet the needs identified in their PEP.

Our Designated Teacher is Mrs Ryding. If you would like more information about Cared for Children, please contact Mrs Ryding on


Personal education plan (PEP)

All CfC must have a care plan; PEPs are an integral part of this care plan. The PEP is an evolving record of what needs to happen for a pupil to enable them to make the expected progress and fulfil their potential. The PEP will reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning which meets the identified educational needs of the child.

The school with other professionals and the child’s carers will use the PEP to support the child’s educational needs, raise the child’s aspirations and improve their life chances. All relevant bodies, such as the LA, the designated teacher and carers, will involve the child in the PEP process at all stages.

The PEP will address the pupil’s full range of education and development needs, including:

  • On-going catch-up support, which will be made available for children who have fallen behind with work.
  • Suitable education provided by the LA, where the child is not in school because of suspension or exclusion. 
  • Transitional support where needed, such as if a child is moving to a new school.
  • School attendance and behaviour support, where appropriate.
  • Support to help the child meet their aspirations, which includes:
    • Support to achieve expected levels of progress for the relevant national key stage and to complete an appropriate range of approved qualifications.
    • Out-of-school hours learning activities, study support and leisure interests